The following lengthy page gives a chronological order of events that occured in the Trans In Barking character universe.
If you want to see the timeline for its sister universe, Modern Fantasy, click here.
As reality is being crafted by the original Lord and Satan, a third realm is set up to ease the burden of managing time, space, and so forth. This realm would be known as the Bureau and would be staffed by half-undead/half-angel individuals of no gender. Macabre Repear would lead the Bureau, and manage the contracts between it, Heaven, and Hell. More employees would surface over time, manifested from select individuals that had died in the living world.
The Bureau would change its uniform style and business design as time progressed, allowing new recruits to more comfortably fit in regardless of what century and decade they originated from. In turn the older employees would get used to the aesthetics of centuries and their decades that would follow.
Corrupted manifestions of both the Lord and Satan emerge, fueled by the ideals of both subtle and blunt control. They grow strong, killing off the true Lord and Satan they were birthed from. Not literally birthed of course, but rather spawned due to anomalys in space and time. The siblings take control of Heaven and Hell, keeping their work smallscale for the next few centuries.
New contracts are formed between Heaven, Hell, and the Bureau following new leadership of the two afterlife realms. It pains members of the Bureau to even have to work with fascists, but they have no choice lest they want reality to fall apart.
Indigo Jesters dies on Earth at a young age. A day later they awaken in the Bureau as a new employee, sporting a body half-angelic and half-undead. They slip into the job role of janitor quite easily.
The Sorrow of Sebastien Denvers releases in theatres, thrilling audiences with its combined horror and romance genre. Decades later it is still championed as a timeless film.
Rock band Ejection Machine gets ready to play a concert at a venue called the Expanse. A pre-show interview takes place, with the leader singer Frederick Miles being called a fruit during it. Frederick was still closeted and not ready to transition yet, keeping up the dude persona to those outside the band. After the interview, the band shittalks a televangelist on TV that had criticized the band and their singer.
During the band's (final) show, an accident occurs with the pyrotechnics that winds up engulfing Frederick Miles in flames. He is dead instantly from the intensity of the flames. Next day the remaining band members break up immediately, traumatized by the death of their former lead singer.
The next day Frederick wakes up in Heaven, moving to the cloudy city of Cloud-9 Valley and taking on the Saint moniker. Over the months that follow, she would transition to a woman and get back into playing the guitar and singing once more.
CESA sends out a rover named Thompson III, beginning its journey towards Mars. Upon leaving Earth's atmosphere, its journey towards the big red planet is a long one.
June 1992
June 22: A young Reynold Waterz and his girlfriend Hero Lockes go about their days in Fort Crisp, Opossum Valley. At one point the two beat the ever-living hell out of an unnamed raccoon man, with Hero finishing the job by stomping the guy's head in. Later Reynold goes skinny dipping as Hero strikes a deal with some friends to buy and clear out a warehouse. The day caps out with Reynold's first recorded instance of being bad at sucking dick.
June 23: Reynold and Hero start helping care for their younger friend Quartz. This helps keep the friend in Opossum Valley, instead of moving northeast to Pembroke with the rest of her family.
August 1992
August 3: The warehouse is finally bought, as the three Fort Crisp friends begin exploring it. Here it is found out that Quartz wants to either be a life coach or teacher when she's older, hinting towards her future 'career' as a 'reverend'. The warehouse is properly renamed to St. Reynold's.
December 1992
December 24: St. Reynold's throws a Christmas party, inviting all the young punks, weirdos, rejects, and so forth within Fort Crisp and adjacent towns. Reynold commits suicide, feeling he's done enough good in his life and not wanting to live out his later adult years. His physical body is found under Fort Crisp's boardwalk, and remains there even as it decays under the sand as time goes on. Due to this, Hero is officially single now of course.
December 25: A now not only single but also dead Reynold wakes up in Heaven, finding himself taking on the physical form of an angel. With nothing but an endless road and clouds surrounding him, he waits for a car to pass by so he can catch a ride. A cabbie eventually picks him up, bringing him to the residence of the current Lord of Heaven. Meeting with the Lord, they inform Reynold that he is now officially a saint due to the good deeds he's done in life.
Saint Reynold moves into Cloud-9 Valley, sharing an apartment with a former rockstar named Saint Frederick. They really kick it off, forming a romantic relationship together months later. Reynold is still bad at sucking dick, but some progress has been made at least.
Spring: Puppy Wave escapes from their abusive exe's home, leaving Greater Lane Heights behind. This would be the start of their nomadic lifestyle. Rough age estimate is they'd be within their early 20s at this time.
Summer: Puppy Wave has traveled somewhere within the Midwest, leaving Pembroke behind. At some point they end up in a really bad state, being found by a couple of teachers with the first names of Maria and Veronica. They patch up Puppy Wave, letting them rest in the lakefront home of the two. Once in good health, the beagle departs to continue moving west on their nomadic journey.
Fall: Puppy Wave has now made it the Mountain States, settling in a cabin within the Burrowspeak Mountain Range. A plural, maned wolf couple by the names of Elaine Dmitri and Tera Fiwalla take in the beagle, forming a short-lived romantic relationship during this time. They have a great Halloween together, sitting on a cliff looking towards the moon.
Winter: Puppy Wave enjoys a late year winter spent with the maned wolf wives. Wave's abuser tries sending a letter to the cabin, but after Tera combs through it it is discarded per Puppy's request. Wave would then have a real bad episode before the new year rolls in, prompting them to believe it was time to begin moving again. At the start of the new year that follows, Puppy Wave gives their goodbyes to Elaine and Tera before continuing their solo, nomadic journey throughout the country.
A very young Matt Winters awakens in the night in his family home, hearing trouble going on downstairs. He witnesses his parents Elaine and Raphael yelling at his sisters Loren and Glass, who at the time had not even begun transitioning. Both were caught experimenting with girly styles, much to the strict, Conservative parents displeasures. During these tense moments, the father attempts to harm Loren only to get his arm severly bitten and start bleeding.
Attempting to fight against his daughter with a knife, Raphael is struck with a bottle by the young Loren. She uses this as a moment to escape, never returning to the household. Elaine tends to her husband, as Matt brings Glass back to bed where they can be safe from their parents for the night.
Loren keeps in touch with her younger siblings now and then, seeing them at school whilst avoiding the parents.
Loren Winters helps her siblings Matt and Glass escape their parent's home in Simmer Grove, temporarily taking caring of the two in her own place (in Ferros Creek) until they can get on their feet proper.
Sawdust Tylers forms a long-distance relationship with Loren Winters, without either's parents being aware of it. The two are a state away, hoping someday to live together. It holds up well as the two mesh together perfectly.
Aerosol wakes up one day in Heaven, with herself seemingly manifesting out of thin air as an angelic teenager. She's cared for by an older couple until she reaches adulthood.
The Thompson III, a rover sent out by CESA, touches down on Mars finally after two decades of traveling through space. It begins its trek upon the Martian surface.
December 2012
December 25: Hero Lockes and Reverend Quartz celebrate a quiet Christmas together in St. Reynold's, reminscing on the good times. Fresh flowers can still be found under Fort Crisp's boardwalk now and then, in memory of the passed Reynold.
On a trip to Silver Creek Junction with her family, Avery Lockes wakes up one day in her hotel suite alone. Upon leaving her room, she discovers that reality is shifted now to the point where it is never the same location outside of that room. It only ends in confusion, depression, and at times even death whenever she leaves. This occurs for the next five years, with Lockes waking up back in the room every time the following day. She never sees her family ever again past this point.
Fall 2014
Fall: Glass Winters during her sophomore year of high school beats the shit out of a senior student, who was throwing slurs at her. In the next week, he meekly returns to school in a cast, never threatening her ever again.
Summer: Sawdust Tylers goes to a Neurotic Puppy concert in Melladohna, following her graduation from high school. She skips her summer job's shift in the process, but it's worth it.
Sawdust Tylers gets her ass beat by her mother, straining the family relationship even further. Sawdust cannot wait to be in college away from that monster.
During a camping trip together, Sherwood gets severly ill and her boyfriend Vincent calls off the trip early. Over the next few days, Sherwood would go through a transformation into a demon in Vincent's home. Scared the hell out of him, that's for sure.
A supervisor known by the name of Don Drizzle unknowningly works his final day at Techtronic LLC. During his shift he is given the order to travel further up the Platinum Summit Sky-Rise to retrieve some confidential documents from Security Gem's data vault.
Curiousity gets the best of him in the vault, and he stumbles upon some worrying documents detailing work between the company and Fascist demons from Hell. Fearing for his life now, he flees the country and moves to Boreal in hiding. An investigation is carried out by authorities to find him, but it is thankfully unsuccesful.
While watching a movie together, Vincent rushes to the bathroom feeling dreadfully ill. His girlfriend Sherwood tends to him in there for awhile, only to witness her boyfriend turn into a demon much akin to her own transformation two years prior.
When renting out a cabin with friends, Julian decides to head off towards the beach for some alone time. There he finds an angelic chameleon lad that he immediately falls for. The two have a quick chat, start making out, and instantly Julian finds himself now transformed into an angel.
June 2018
June 23: The Thompson III rover seemingly sends its final Mars-focused update to CESA, ceasing contact with the home base due to equipment failure upon itself.
March 2019
March: Avery Lockes spends a week filming the strange occurances in a surreal reality she's trapped alone within. A hotel of sorts, where everytime she leaves her suite she winds up in a magical world that ends with her either getting killed or severely depressed before waking up in her suite the next day intact.
On the fifth day of recording, her suite's exit brings her to the Bureau where she is confronted about her experience. The Bureau's leader, Macabre Reaper, assures her that everything will be fixed at the cost of her possibly not existing.
On the sixth day of recording, Avery leaves her suite through her window this time. She finds a glowing blue forest near the hotel, eventually traveling in too deep that her head explodes and her body collaspes.
The following day, Avery is transported back to the real world so to speak. She is found passed out in a parking garage in Opossum Valley South. A hyena nurse named Nora takes her in, treats her head and face wounds, and lets the doggy lass live in her (Nora's) apartment for the time being. They eventually form a romantic relationship, leading Avery to live with her girlfriend permanently. Due to Avery's head and face wounds failing to ever properly heal, Nora needs to clean the area and replace the bandages on a weekly basis.
Fall 2019
Fall: Sawdust Tylers has an awful time living in her college dorm, due to her roommate wanting nothing to do with her.
It takes awhile and a lot of money, but eventually Matt is able to score a home with his sister Glass in Lancesler, Opossum Valley. It's shit at first, but they fix it up over time to be quite decent.
Aerosol, as an adult in Heaven, begins chatting online with a demon from Hell named Reverie. They kick things off well, and after a few years Reverie is able to escape the godawful life of Hell. When the lovebirds unite, a mutual friend helps them to leave Heaven and find a place to bunk in on Earth, in the state of Opossum Valley.
January 2020
January: Puppy Wave muses to themself, dancing in the streets of an unknown city as snow falls from above.
Summertime 2020
Summer: Puppy Wave lives somewhere with an unknown individual. They severely want Puppy to better themselves, hooking them up with a weekly therapist over the next couple of months. The beagle now and then has an episode during the sessions, hallucinating events and dialogue. Overall it's unsuccessful, and Puppy begins their nomadic adventure once more.
September 2020
Early September: Sawdust Tylers begins the plans to live with her partner Loren Winters in Opossum Valley. She workshops plans with her sister Jamie in the meantime, while the parents are unaware of it all.
October 2020
Early October: The band Neurotic Puppy releases a new album, which includes a notable feature from the lead singer of the band Moonrider.
October 2: Sawdust Tylers moves out of the city Gale-Break Mixx'N and its state Melladohna. In the process, she cuts off contact with her parents and drops out of college. Her sister Jamie helps drive her out of the state and into Opossum Valley, where Sawdust will live with her long-distance partner Loren Winters.
October 3: In the morning, Sawdust Tylers and her sister Jamie arrive in Ferros Creek, Opossum Valley. They both catch rest in Loren Winters' apartment.
In the afternoon, Jamie Tylers gives her goodbye to her sister. Jamie begins the journey alone back to Gale-Break Mixx'N and its state Melladohna.
Julie Ecclession, the administrator of the Cosmic Exploration Space Agency, is interviewed by the press. She affirms to them that the human launch to Mars will take place on December 12th, 2020.
Matt Winters tries to hold a phone call with his boyfriend Ollie Xaviers. Like clockwork, Matt's sister Glass is being an asshole the whole time. They fight, Glass pins Matt to the ground, and they eventually break free of each other and give their apologies. Glass lightens the mood by telling her brother they're getting pizza tonight since their grandma sent over some cash.
October 4: Sawdust Tylers gets to see the city of Marseille for the first time, as Loren Winters drives her there for a romantic dinner date.
The band Moonrider prepares to release their new EP titled Thrilling Sun Dance. The title track is released as a single, premiering on radio stations such as 43.29 FM, the Sparkz.
Sawdust Tylers has an anxiety attack during the dinner date with her girlfriend Loren. Once they get home, it gets worse as the corgi has a mental breakdown, with her bunny girlfriend attempting to comfort her in response. Eventually everything calms down and the couple heads to bed.
October 5: Sawdust Tylers has a nightmare, foreshadowing the events of the demon (and future partner) Eliza Soelle escaping Hell.
October 14: Glass Winters has an episode of unreality and suicidal thoughts, due to falling behind on taking her pills. Matt takes her to the pharmacy as soon as possible to pick up the refill that's been sitting by for a good few days in storage.
Woof Warp holds a band practice, trying to finalize their first EP titled Suburban Christmas. It is slated to release on Christmas 2020.
Loren Winters has a surprise performance review conducted on her at work. She is both praised and criticized during it, leading to confusion overall.
October 15: Another Woof Warp band practice takes place. Glass is tired managing both drums and lead vocals, but things don't get too bad. The track Sharon's Mind is practiced that night.
Sherwood Everly bumps into Loren Winters, chatting her and there. Unknown to Winters, Everly has been doing surveillance on the bunny on behalf of other demons. Her main goal is getting to meet Sawdust Tylers eventually and welcome her into the fold so to speak. Currently such events won't happen for a good while however.
October 16: Matt Winters bumps into angelic tanuki lad Julian Paris, during Matt's late-night shift. They have a good chat, though Matt isn't aware that Julian is doing the same kind of surveillance that Sherwood had done with Loren the night prior.
October 17: Flare Dart begins plans to help Eliza Soella escape Hell. Eliza shrugs it off, focusing on heading to appointed work site with Dart. They work their regular shift, chopping away at scorched, dead trees for the dense lumber.
A soldier enlisted to Satan is beaten to death due to disloyatly. After the body is removed from the premises, Satan does a loyalty test and almost kills his assistant by bullet. Surviving and not even fliching, the assistant is dismissed after being told the test was successful. All in all, a normal time in the penthouse suite of Hell's Towering Skyscraper.
Eliza, during her break, goes looking for Flare Dart. She enters the site's trailer, hoping to find the boss. Instead she finds the boss' remains, with Flare standing above holding a bloodied cement block. They disguise themselves as soldiers using outfits from the trailer, grabbing keys for a truck nearby. After giving the remaining workers a day off, the two escape the work site together in their disguises.
Successfully leaving the walled off city of Brimstone Heights, Eliza And Flare find themselves in the desert-like wastelands of outer Hell. After fighting off a hellish monster, Flare Dart gives her farewell to Eliza and sends her off further into the wastes by herself. Eliza eventually stumbles into an anomaly portal as she approaches the wasteland's mountains.
October 18: Eliza Soella winds up on Earth proper, manifesting through the wall into The Pass - an hangout underneath a freeway in Fort Crisp, Opossum Valley. After being cared for a bit, she moves into the hangout with a small group of demons and angels.
Late October: Puppy Wave winds up in the remants of Opossum Valley East, exploring the area's abandoned mall. They bump into Eliza Soella, scaring the poor demon in the process. A friendship is formed, and Puppy bunks with Eliza and her friends under a freeway near Fort Crisp for awhile.
According to Puppy however, they claim to have already been living with the group prior to this encounter. It's false, but good luck trying to convince this dog otherwise.
October 24: Sawdust Tylers finally meets her sister Loren's siblings - Matt and Glass. At the home of said siblings, she gives a go at drumming again and finds out she's still amazing at them.
October 26: Zoe Mason has a massive depression episode at work, leading to heavy drinking in her office. Her coworker Dresden enlists the help of Loren to help deal with it.
The two chat, with Zoe detailing how she feels disgusting both as a person and in terms of her appearance. Loren calms her down and helps her sober up in the process. A friendship is made, easing the stresses of work for the future.
In the process, Zoe is given Glass' number in hopes that the two can help each other out and become friends.
October 28: Sawdust Tylers begins to notice her fangs are growing quite large and sharp during a kiss with her girlfriend. Not much is thought of it at the time.
An awkward set of conversations and phone calls take place, ultimately leading into Glass and Zoe planning a little meeting event of sorts. Little do either know that this will blossom into something further.
October 29: Glass and Zoe chat along their drive together to a fancy restaurant. Things go over very well, with feelings budding unbelievably quickly for each other.
Upon reaching the restaurant, they both decide fuck eating and instead have sex with each other in the car. Instantly a strong romantic relationship is formed, much to everyone else's disblief.
October 30: Sawdust has a dreadful morning, feeling her fangs continue to grow as well as intense headaches. The pain can be described as feeling as if something is growing through the top her my head.
The symptoms worsen as the night goes on, along with severe nausea. Loren calls her friend Nora in hopes that the nurse can stop by and take care of Sawdust, instead of risking an expensive hospital visit.
October 31: In the morning, Nora and her girlfriend Avery begin driving towards Ferros Creek in order to help Loren's girlfriend. Avery's personality has changed dramatically since the day she first met Nora, but the relationship still holds strong (perhaps even stronger, even).
Under care of Nora in the bathroom, Sawdust magically is allievated of her symptoms somehow. However, it comes with the cost of seeing herself in the mirror and now that she's taken on the appearance of a demon. Simply put, white horns stick out from the top of her head, the large fangs now form an overbite, and her eyes only show a black X shape in the sea of white sclera.
Through the help of Avery and photos on her phone, Loren and others learn that Sawdust is in fact a demon now and that other demons (and angels) live within the state. Given Sherwoods number, Loren intends to chew her out over the phone and ask for an explanation of what's really happened.
November 2020
November 12: Sawdust Tylers is introduced to Bismuth and Plasma, friends of Glass. She is told to be a great drummer, much to the excitement of the guitarists. Woof Warp band practice takes place, this time with the inclusion of Sawdust on the drums. Despite the great time, Sawdust rejects the offer to join the band due to her anxieties.
November 14: Bismuth Swift and her girlfriend Plasma Vex prepare to head to St. Reynold's for an outting with their friend Reverend Quartz.
In a coffee shop somewhere in Linked West, Hero Lockes in her older age looks through old photos of her and Reynold when they were younger. Someone calls her on the phone, and they talk about the mysterious friend's kids.
Plasma and Bismuth spend time at St. Reynolds with Reverend Quartz. Quartz speaks of how quiet the warehouse these days is, not getting much visitors nor holding many parties and classes in recent times.
Plans are set in motion for a Christmas concert later this year at St. Reynolds, with Woof Warp being the performers.
After Bismuth and Plasma leave the church / warehouse, Reverend Quartz heads to the back offices by herself. There she finds the demon Reverie and her angel girlfriend Aerosol scrambling to put on clothes after having sex on the couch. Originally the two had planned to eavesdrop on the conversation, since Sawdust was mentioned but alas..
November 15: Spending time on Fort Crisp's boardwalk together, Reverend Quartz and the couple talk about the constant surveillance and plans the demons and angels have been cooking up in regards to Sawdust Tylers. Eventually, Reverie and Aerosol apologize for handling this like children and accept to find a way to just talk to Sawdust normally. In addition, they agree to visit St. Reynolds on Christmas later this year for the concert.
Sawdust has another breakdown, with her girlfriend Loren comforting her best as she can. When everything's all calmed down, Loren plans an outting for herself, Sawdust, Matt, and Glass to partake in next week. However, the outting gets pushed ahead a few days instead due to work schedules.
November 17: Eliza, Aerosol, and Reverie walk along train tracks in Opossum Valley. They discuss life and plans for the future, which includes meeting Sawdust.
Loren calls Sherwood, pissed at her and looking for some sort of answer. It doesn't go well, pissing off both parties as the call drops. Sherwood calls up Aerosol to speed up the plans for meeting Sawdust.
November 19: Loren, Sawdust, Matt, and Glass have a wonderful time spending the day together at the Opossum Valley Science Museum. As they're leaving, Sawdust finally swallows her anxieties and tells Glass she will join the band as their drummer. A delightful decision, showcased by the strongest hug in the world between the two.
Late November: St. Reynold himself is finally great at sucking dick, much to his girlfriend St. Frederick's pleasure.
St. Sebastien picks up St. Reynold for an unscheduled trip out of the city of Cloud-9 Valley. On the car ride, Sebastien and the cab driver break the news that the Lord is secretly a Fascist leader (of a group called the Spectral Branch) and is scheming with Satan (the Lord's brother) for world domination - Earth, Heaven, and Hell all included.
The Lord summons an unnamed saint to her cliff-side garden. The Fascists know of plans to rebel and are going to start taking action. After chewing out the saint, they tear the wings straight off the back of the poor woman. Blood and gore ensues, as the heavily injured saint is escorted out of the area by maidens loyal to the Lord. A phone call is had between the Lord and her brother Satan about what to do next.
St. Reynold meets Baphomet, a leader of a antifascist resistance group (known as the Otherworldly Resistance). After conversating, she takes Reynold to her group's hideout in Hell to begin training as a new member of the resistance.
The band Moonrider would rebrand slightly, now calling themselves Moon//Rider.
November 26: Woof Warp band practice takes place, this time with Sawdust as a full-time member as she plays the drums. This helps Glass to focus entirely on only lead vocals from now.
Matt heads to work, another boring night shift at Lone Wolf Media. Unfortunately, he passes out at one point and has a nightmare recalling a traumatic moment with his family. He awakes in a cold sweat, tears flowing and mind racing with panic.
November 27: Matt arrives home in the early morning, freaked out of his mind. Glass notices and does everything she can to comfort her brother. It is in this moment that the two can feel confident they'll never have to deal with their parents ever again.
November 28: Matt spends the night at Ollie's house, only to be awoken late at night by some noise out front. Ollie goes and investigates it himself, leaving Matt to rest in the bedroom.
Ollie encounters St. Sebastien out front, and a conversation takes place. After talking for a bit, Ollie gets the vague picture that something big is going on outside Earth and that he's being asked to pitch in by becoming an angel. A task that will somehow increase the powers of the resistance in their battles against fascism.
Ollie agrees, seeing good in helping everyone he can. The transformation is handled through a kiss between the two, leading to a very pleasing scenario compared to the wretched demon transformation Sawdust dealt with. The saint departs, leaving the now angelic hyena lad to head to bed with his new wings, fancy eyes, and glowing aura.
November 29: A chaotic morning in the Xaviers household. Matt is left in confusion entirely by it.
In a short recap, Ollie is confronted by his parents about the angelic form. One of which is aware this was in the motions, and has worked with the group that her son's transformation will help empower. Alongside this, Ollie has made the plans to work at an animal shelter alongside moving in with Matt. After some talking and piles upon piles of confusion and surprises, it all works out.
Matt accepts every confusing thing going on in frustration, now just wanting to focus on having breakfast.
December 2020
December 12: Ollie Xaviers has officially moved into the household with Matt and his sister Glass. Zoe has been visiting a lot more lately, only loving her now-girlfriend Glass more and more each day. As a result of the relationship, Zoe has mellowed out more at work.
Across the street, the demon Vincent and his angel friend Aerosol discuss plans for confronting Sawdust next week. Reverie and Aerosol will try their best to follow Reverend Quartz advice of talking to her (Sawdust) as normal adults. This confrontation manifests in mid-December that year.
CESA's human-focused launch to Mars doesn't happen, delaying the project into 2023 instead.
December 18: The entire day consists of Sawdust finally meeting other demons and angels in Opossum Valley, with the meeting taking place at The Pass - a hangout spot under a freeway in Forst Crisp.
After hearing everyone at The Pass' life stories, Sawdust comes face-to-face with Eliza finally. After the discussion reaches its end, the demon surprised Sawdust with a kiss. One can only guess the vague pent up feelings the two had for each other through their limited interactions. It only grows more passionate as the two make out with each other on the floor.
Perhaps there's something in the water in Opossum Valley that pushes relationships into maximum overdrive..
In the afterglow, Eliza grabs her truck and drives both Glass and Sawdust back home.
Back at Loren's apartment, introductions take place between her and Eliza. More romance ensues, discussions are had, and the final results are Eliza moving in with Loren and Sawdust. A polyamorous relationship between the three of them is formed, as if the night couldn't get any more wild.
Late December: The Lord and Satan manifest a temporary dimension to hold a physical meeting within. There they discuss plans about putting an end to the antifascists' rebellion.
Baphomet trains her comrades in a shooting range, hidden deep in Hell's underground caverns.
St. Sebastian and Reynold hold a meeting in an office building in Heaven. There they rally workers to prepare for fighting ahead, and to be ready if Fascist soldiers begin storming the cloudy realm.
Reverend Quartz and Vera Xaviers meet to discuss enlisting Ollie into the fight against the Lord and Satan. Unease forms in the heart of the sheep mother, but she holds onto faith that her son will survive and return triumphant.
Ollie and Julian discuss the plans for the hyena to join the good fight ahead. The tanuki fears the worst coming for his new friend.
In the Bureau, Macabre and his coworkers Klick and Aurora discuss the looming threat of their contracted associates - the Spectral Branch. While remaining neutral is of utmost importance, the three hope and pray that the resistance is successful in eliminating the Fascists.
December 24: Ollie leaves Earth with St. Sebastian, preparing to fight against Fascist otherworldly in the coming day.
Concert and party preparations are made at St. Reynolds, with the band and friends present.
Hero Lockes takes a flight from Linked West to Opossum Valley, being picked up by Reverend Quartz after landing. She anticipates seeing a livelier St. Reynolds tonight, something she's been missing since her youth.
Woof Warp performs their first gig ever, as part of the Christmas party at St. Reynolds. It goes over extremely well with the crowd, introducing Woof Warp into the world of rock proper.
Sawdust Tylers calls up Jamie, catching up on the past two months. The two's parents have disowned Sawdust, and Jamie is finding herself as she explores bisexuality in her college.
Reverend Quartz and St. Reynold reunite after 28 years, catching up with each other's lives and then discussing the plans for Reynold's fight against Fascists ahead.
December 25: War takes its place in the Bureau, as the Otherworldly Resistance fights against the Fascist soldiers of the Spectral Branch. Both enter the realm / building through portals opened in both afterlife realms. Employees within the Bureau hide locked away within the living quarters of the building, safe from the fighting.
Flare Dart and Baphomet successfully kill Satan in a gun fight, recreating how the false Satan killed off his original counterpart centuries ago.
St. Reynold and Ollie Xaviers successfully kill the Lord in a sword fight, recreating how the false Lord killed off their original counterpart centuries ago.
St. Sebastian takes on the role of new ruler of Heaven, while Baphomet handles Hell. A new contract is formed between the two rulers, their realms, and the Bureau. It will take some time for the Bureau to rebuild its building following the fighting. Everyone that survived and isn't Bureau employees are sent back home through portals.
Smaller battles are waged in Heavena and Hell proper, with the people being triumphant against the invading Fascist forces. Both realms are truly liberated now, with new management working towards a brighter eternity ahead for both.
January 2021
January 1: Hero Lockes and St. Reynold reunite on the beaches of Opossum Valley, having a good time catching up along with their friend Reverend Quartz.
Zoe Masons and her girlfriend Glass Winters screw around (sexually) after hours in the Techtronic LLC offices, as Puppy Wave nearby watches TV.
Eliza, Loren, and their girlfriend Sawdust sit on the hood of a car together. Chatting under the moonlight, they have a delightful time.
Ollie catches Matt up to speed on the fighting that occured back on Christmas in the Bureau. A wild time to be sure, thank goodness he survived and returned triumphant!
Mallorie Dillons forges a better friendship with her roommates Plasma and Bismuth. She shows the two sketches she made of Woof Warp in different scenarios as potential ideas for album themes in the future. Also done as fanart, let's be real.
St. Reynold spends some time back in Fort Crisp, before having to head back to Heaven.
May 2021
Sometime May: Reconstruction process finishes on the Bureau following the battles last Christmas, along with expansions to outside and recreational areas.
June 2021
June 21: Fitzpatrick Dobers hits their breaking point in life, driving their car off a cliff and dying immediately upon impact. It is unknown where this takes place outside of the confidential police records.
June 22: Fitzpatrick Dobers awakens in the afterlife, a ghostly recreation of their final moments. Here they find a way out of this surreal location, stumbling into the Bureau's reception area in the process. They've taken on the form of many employees here, with a half-angelic and half-undead style. It is unknown what gender and appearance the jackalope had prior to this, but it matters not now.
Completely dumbfounded with their new fate in the afterlife as an employee of the Bureaua, Fitzpatrick vomits into a trashcan and makes friends with the janitor Indigo Jesters afterwards.
June 25: Fitzpatrick Dobers wakes up to their new roommate, Mikhail Vapor. After sleeping in for a few days after arriving, the jackalope is brought in to their first work day as a gardener.
Fitpatrick Dobers attempts to drown themselves in the garden's fountain. It fails, thankfully, as Mikhail saves the jackalope and brings them back to their shared suite to rest.
July 2021
July 28: On a late night, Fitzpatrick slips into casual clothing and explores the Bureau's recreational and working areas both. Overall it's a delightful time, enjoying their moments of peace.
August 2021
August 9: Spending more time at the Bureau, one day Fitzpatrick visits Klick to find out if this situation is really forever. Sure enough it is, depressing the jackalope immensely. Despite the good times, eternity still overwhelms the mind of poor Dobers. They will perservere however, not wanting to off themselves anymore.
August 20: Fitzpatrick Dobers forces themself to make peace with the Bureau, learning to love their gardening job and the time spent with others. Later this day they spend time with Mikhail at a restaurant within the Bureau known as The Celestial. Later in the night, the jackalope confesses their romantic feelings for the janitor Indigo and the two not only wind up hooking up but also have prviate sex in an unused boardroom.
September 2021
Late September: Hell finally has been rebuilt to match the modern and clean city of its sister realm Heaven. It becomes a popular location for hotels, casinos, and other entertainment venues.
The cab business Dimensional Destinations sees a boom in not only profits, but also new employees to keep up with demands. Travel between Heaven and Hell is fully open for the public by this point, with demons and angels not only visiting other realms but also moving. It's hell for logistics, but the new management makes due for the happiness of both realm's residents and businesses.
Outside of high-ranking individuals from the former Otherworldly Resistance, travel to the living world is still severly restricted in order to not cause panic within mortal authorities and governments.
November 2021
November 15: St. Reynold recieves a fancy envelope from a couple of rich demons in Hell, offering a flirty night up in their penthouse suite for the saint. After chatting with his girlfriend Frederick about it, he reluctantly goes for it and leaves Heaven by an otherworldly cab.
During the cab ride, St. Reynold finally reunites with the same cabbie that not only welcomed him into Heaven but also brought him up to speed on the former leader's seedy doings. In the process he finally learns the name of said cabbie: Kendrick Thompson
Reynold arrives at night in one of Hell's cities, Coal-Soaked Valley. He enters the Burnt Lily Hotel, and is treated to a strange but alluring night with the demons Wyatt and Ronnie. In the heat of it all, he gains a ton of pounds as he's lovingly caressed and stuffed with food.
November 16: After a thrilling night and tons of weight gained, Reynold heads back to Heaven by cab. His girlfriend Frederick is amazed by the new heft on the moth, but is assured that it will be worked off in the coming months. Sure enough following that, he eventually returns to his former weight.
February 2022
February 7: Ferra Young faces early morning depression and insomnia, fearful that her cosmic explore wife Abigail Williams is going to die sometime during her and her crew's journey to Mars.
Julie Ecclession partakes in an interview, assuring the people of the Woven Republic that plans are set in stone for the flight to Mars on February 12th.
February 9: Julie Ecclession holds a meeting with her employees. It mostly consists of telling them to be ready for the flight upcoming whilst criticizing them in process.
February 12: During the day, Ferra has a conversation with the CESA administrator Julie. Transphobic and condescending remarks are made towards the flight director by her koala boss, leaving the dalmatian angered after the conversation.
At night, Abigail finally gets her wife Ferra to accept that the launch will be successful, alongside time spent on Mars and the ride back home to Earth.
February 13: CESA sends its first human-focused launch to Mars. Puppy Wave can be seen in the crowd of civilians watching the event in-person, showcasing the beagle has currently set their flag in Cape Goldenridge.
February 28: Jamie Tylers begins documenting her final semester at the Marigold College of Technology. She would spend this day hanging out with her friends Sean, Judy, and Sheila in the city.
March 2022
March 8: Jamie Tylers spends time before class chatting with her crush Sheila Everglades. Once class starts, the corgi realizes it's time for her to begin taking action on professing her love to the raptor before her time at college is over.
March 16: Jamie Tylers attempts to take notes on one of her textbooks, hunkering down in one of the college's libaries. During this she comes to notice that her mind is overwhelmed with thoughts of her crush Sheila.
March 24: Jamie Tylers helps her friend Sean with a class assignment, recording him recreating a scene from the movie 'The Sorrow of Sebastien Denvers'.
Jamie Tylers joins her friend Judy for a night out in the city, dancing in a brutalist-styled club by the waterfront. It's a freeing moment for the corgi, getting her out of her comfort zone immensely.
April 2022
April 1: Jamie Tylers works on a class assignment on the computer, with her crush Sheila Everglades. They successfully create a simple chatbot together, unintentionally setting the corgi's heart fluttering with love during the process.
April 9: Jamie Tylers visits an art exhibit within the city of Gale-Break Mixx'N. The sapphic themes of the exhibit set her heart aflame with love for women even further. It is in this moment she realizes she has a month to either confess her love to Sheila or lose the chance entirely.
April 17: Jamie Tylers spends time with her friends Sean and Judy, enjoying breakfast together. There she discusses her love for Sheila Everglades, as her friends encourage her to seize the moment and confess her love to their raptor friend (Sheila).
April 20: Jamie Tylers spends the night in Sheila Everglade's dorm, after a long night of helping each other with their studies. There Sheila confesses that she fears Jamie will end their friendship after learning she's transgender. Of course, Jamie doesn't mind at all considering her sister Sawdust.
The two college friends share the bed for the night, as the couch proves far too uncomfortable in comparison. Jamie enjoys the moment to the fullest, thankful for it.
April 25: Jamie Tylers calls her sister Sawdust to catch up on each other's lives, alongside talking about her crush on Sheila Everglades. Sawdust encourages her younger sister to not only confess her love to Sheila, but also do what she can to spend her live with her too.
Woof Warp performs a show at a bar in St. Befree, Pembroke. Gigs for the band have been going well on the east coast, as they continue work on their first album proper.
May 2022
May 2: Jamie Tylers finally confesses her love to Sheila Everglades. It goes over well, and the two hook up as girlfriend's during the final week of their college semester.
May 7: Jamie Tylers, her girlfriend, and their friends Sean and Judy graduate with other students from the Marigold College of Technology.
After the ceremony, Jamie makes the major move to leave with her girlfriend Sheila instead of heading home to her own family. The parents having seen this pattern before, give up on trying to persue their daughter and disown her in turn.
Puppy Wave temporarily moves in with a gay couple in the coastal town of Westburry, in the state Linked West. They help hook up the dog with a job as a janitor at a library nearby. This doesn't pause the dog's nomadic journey however, as they also spend the next few weeks exploring the coastal town of Westburry, the bustlin' Linked West City, and the gambling-focused city of Amaryllis.
June 2022
June 3: Puppy Wave leaves Westburry, Linked West and continues on their nomadic journey once again. They take a bus first to Linked West City, and then a train that carries them further north through the state.
For a good chunk of months, Puppy moves around between the adjacent borders of the states Linked West, Illen, and Scorsborro. Bunking at motels here and there while taking odd jobs to keep some change in their pockets.
July 2022
July 1: Jamie Tylers and Sheila Everglades move to Sharrisburg together and rent a suite in an alright apartment complex. They take on casual day jobs amongst applying for tech firms around the state.
July 13: CESA's Star-Kisser 17's ship gets banged up a bit traveling through an asteroid field on its way to Mars. No severe damage is done to both the ship and its crew.
July 26: The Star-Kisser 17's crew finally touches down on the surface of Mars with a bumpy landing, allowing them contact with CESA back on Earth once again. The following day they would begin exploring the Martian surface, using holographic-based markers to find their way back to the ship each time.
August 2022
August 26: The Thompson III rover is discovered barely functioning and immobile on Mars. Roger Serpentine of the Star-Kisser 17 crew repairs it and retrieves new data from the rover on a USB stick. He bids his farewell to the rover, as it now is able to continue its trek on Mar's surface once again.
September 2022
September 5: Abigail Williams and DuVaine Chatters of the Star-Kisser 17 crew discover a cavern on Mars, sticking out of its mountains. The crew's new objective in the coming couple of months is to explore it in hopes of discovering something within.
Ferra Young is comforted and given a pep talk by her coworkers Kara and Shaemus. They assure her that her wife and the rest of the Star-Kisser 17 crew will return home safe and sound. In addition, they also affirm in her that the constant transphobic nonsense and complaining from Julie Ecclession doesn't mean jack shit at the end of the day. Only focus on yourself, your wife, and friends like these, Ferra.
September 12: Abigail Williams and DuVaine Chatters finally explore the Martian cavern, discovering thriving plants deep within. They almost are killed by the vine-like plants, but break free of their clutches. A portion of the lively and deadly plants is cut off, contained, and taken back to the ship for analysis.
October 2022
October 1: The second-to-last day is spent on Mars, as the crew analyzes the damage the ship has taken over the journey. Numbers from the analysis are worrying, but they make the choice to still leave the planet the following day.
Analysis on the plant sample is complete, finding it had reproduced a bit during its containment. To prevent further reproduction, the three vines are separated from each other and contained within their own rock chunks and storage containers. Fastened securely, they'll be safe on the flight back home and won't reek any sort of havoc.
October 2: The Starkisser-17 departs Mars, beginning their journey back towards Earth and Cape Goldenridge in general.
October 9: After having begun her journey in making music earlier in the month, a tapir and angel lass known as Saint Nowhere releases her first EP known as Ridin' Confusion. Its experimental and basic nature garners curious attention from a small audience.
November 2022
November 3: Experimenting with plugins she's grabbed off the net, Saint Nowhere puts out a dance-inspired and electronic album known as Rêve Concret. She feels more confident in her work, shaking off the anxiety that came with her first attempts at music-making.
December 2022
December 24: Baphomet and St. Sebastien Auras can be seen hard at work still acting as afterlife mediators. While Auras tends to Heaven and Baphomet in turn manages Hell, the two can be found visiting the other's realm and offices to help with whatever troubles ail them.
To really make this a shitter of a Christmas Eve, the Chairmen of Vice venture into the penthouse suite of the Skyscraper (present on the island of the Towering Oasis). Here, they hold a troublesome 'meeting' with Baphomet primarily and St. Sebastien indirectly. The Chairmen, known more informally as the Peccatum siblings, prove to be differing flavors of trouble and annoyance.
Six of the Peccatum siblings are eventually thrown out of the office one-by-one by Baphomet. The seventh, Gula, is happily left to their own devices as they drink in the stairwell nearby.
December 25: For a calmer Christmas Day, the inaugural team of wasteland trekkers enter the penthouse suite of the Skyscraper on Towering Oasis. Present for the meeting are trekkers Frey Tobias, Herb Carson, and Winona Alias. They stand proud as professionalism, ready to tackle anything that comes in their paths.
Baphomet and St. Sebastein assign the trekkers their first months-long task of tending to the Wasteland surrounding the outer limits of Hell's cities. The facets of this task include helping any construction crews out there, fighting off any hellish beasts, being mindful of space and time anomalies literred about, and save anyone stranded and / or injured within the Wasteland.
January 2023
January 7: Frey Tobias, Herb Carson, and Winona Alias set up camp within the Wasteland of Hell. In their early days of trekking the 'Wastes, they seem hopeful for what lies ahead.
January 18: Under Stardust is released by Saint Nowhere, acting as the tapir lass' second EP. Despite its troublesome and frustrating early development, the later stages of making it prove to be rather exciting and fun. She looks off towards the distant future, wondering if her next work could act as a soundtrack for something greater..
The inaugural team of Wasteland Trekkers stand guard at a bridge in Hell's Wasteland, watching over the construction crew present. Eventually a monstrous beast shows up, and the three have to fight it off while the construction crew hides behind their vehicles.
Herb and Frey do their best to fight off the monstrous beast with their daggers and blade respectively. Meanwhile, Winona utilizes the element of suprise and climbs upon the back of the beast. Confused, the beast is eventually driven off the side of a ravine's edge by Winona. She jumps off just in time, letting the beast crash into the lava river far below.
February 2023
February 24: The wasteland trekkers Frey, Herb, and Winona venture into one of the caves present within the ravines of Hell's Wasteland. There, they search the crystal-filled cave for a team of four miners that were injured and left behind in a prior incident.
The trekkers are able to find the miners Tio, Greta, and Michels within the caves. Each one is tended to, offering temporary fixes to their varying wounds and burns. It appears each one had come into contact with some sort of combination of monstrous basilisks and serpents.
The fourth missing and injured miner, Adrian, is not found within this cave. It appears she fell into a stray anomaly during prior fighting, and as a result was teleported to an unknown location. While she is currently still missing, the trekkers help bring the recovered other miners to a medical team and get them out of the Wasteland proper.
March 2023
March 2: Wasteland trekker Herb Carson winds up getting separated from the rest of his team, and is now stranded in one of the many dead forests of Hell's Wasteland. Massive and spiky trees with no leaves, fruits, nor flowers fill the area and practically block out the sky with their clustered branches.
Eventually climbing up a massive tree, Herb is able to make his way through the forest's spiky canopy of branches. He can see a lot of the Wasteland and distant cities of Hell from here. In addition, he is able to spot an area ahead of the forest where his companions are present. Climbing back down, Herb eventually departs the forest and reunites with his team.
March 4: The Starkisser-17 approach the Earth on their journey back from Mars. Their rough estimate of touching back upon the planet is for March 11th, near the southwestern coast of Cape Goldenridge. However, due to ship failures and damages, this doesn't go to plan.
Explosions, fires, and general massive damage takes place on the Starkisser-17 ship on its flight back to Earth. In addition, its descent speed is increasing which puts the crew members lives in massive damage. CESA's administrator Julie Ecclession is furious, criticizing employees at home base and crew members onboard the ship whilst only caring about the facility's technology and public image due to this disaster.
Ferra Young, the head flight director of CESA, finally boils over and punches the administrator straight towards the floor. She takes charge in this moment, forming a gameplan to get all crew members back home safely. Other home base employees work hard to make those plans a reality. Julie makes no attempts to stop this, allowing the move and then passing out from pain.
In the northern end of Linked West, the suburb of Lily Outskirts waits in anticipation from afar as the remnants of the Starkisser-17 ship makes its descent towards the coast. Puppy Wave tries to get closer to the beaches, but winds up getting escorted away by police.
The Starkisser-17 crew successfully survives the crash landing off the coast of Lily Outskirts. Leaving the ship and surfacing on the water, they are soon picked up by a small fishing boat and its captain. Their brought back to the coast soon after and recieved medical attention. As the celebrations come to an end, Julie, Abigail Willias of the Starkisser-17 crew, and her wife Ferra answer questions on the beach from journalists and reporters.
April 2023
April 5: Wasteland trekkers Herb Carson, Frey Tobias, and Winona Alias explore an abandoned quarry deep within the Wasteland of Hell. There, they journey into an office and armory of sorts present at the quarry. It's quite destroyed within, and filled with many bony remains of former Spectral Branch soldiers and workers.
While Frey explores the remnants of an armory by itself, Winona and Herb take to combing through the ruined offices of the quarry building. There, they find the corpses of high-ranking individuals of Spectral Branch. It appears something in the Wasteland is reanimating these corpses, leading to Winona and Herb having to fight off many undead soldiers. Frey shows up at the end of the fighting, working quickly to tend to the injuries of his companions.
May 2023
May 6: Late at night, maned wolf wives Elaine Dmitri and Tera Fiwalla awake during a heavy thunderstorm. Hearing something messing with their trash cans outside, they put on a jacket, grab their shotgun, and head outside to investigate the wet surrounding forest.
Tracking down the stranger causing trouble, Elaine almost shots them dead before Tera notices that said stranger is Puppy Wave. Quickly, the two wives bring their old friend inside the cabin nearby to dry off.
May 7: In the early morning, Elaine and Tera help dry off their drenched old-time friend Puppy Wave in their cabin. During this, the eccentric doggy helps catch up the wives on their journey over the past two decades that lead them back to here.
Puppy begins their short-lived stay within the Burrowspeak Mountain Range and the adjacent city of Breckenridge in Scorsborro. Around twenty years have passed since they last stepped foot here.
May 8: Tera and Elaine take Puppy along for some fishing in Lake Oasis. As the three sit upon the pier, Puppy is asked about their nomadic lifestyle. The original answer was because Puppy never wanted to risk running into their abusive ex from Pembrok ever again. However, it is revealed that said ex recently died in a car crash and his mother blames Puppy for it a cosmic sense.
It's made clear now that the reason Puppy Wave travels around the country and can't settle down yet is now because it's the only life that they know how to live at this time. At least for now, both of the maned wolf wives understand that.
May 9: The maned wolf wives and their eccentric friends sit at a bonfire together, roasting hot dogs and marshmallows over it. During talks, the wives bring up the possibility of having a romantic relationship with Puppy again. It's accepted, with Puppy soon flirting with the two so strongly that impromptu sex on the forest floor follows soon after.
May 12: Puppy Wave and their plural friends go hiking together on a Burrowspeak trail. During the travels, the two wives predict a hypothetical travel the eccentric dog would make towards the northern country of Boreal. It involves traveling to the cold state of Illen, stowing away on a shipping freighter, and then either hiding in a crate or masquering as a sailor until nearing the Boreal shore. Everyone's sure this hypothetical journey would end with Puppy jumping overboard upon seeing the Boreal coasts, swimming a cold swim towards them immediately.
An accident occurs on the trail, as a rockslide and small earthquake causes a chunk of it to break off and slide off the mountain. Due to this, Puppy winds up slipping off the trail and dangling from a cliff. Using all the strength they can muster, the maned wolf wives pull Puppy off the cliff and save their life in the process. It's a traumatic incident that makes Wave have second thoughts about staying in Scorsborro.
This near-death experience inspires fear into Puppy Wave for the first time in decades, and will be remembered for years to come.
May 15: For more calmer times, after Puppy Wave is ready to get outside again they are taken by car to the northern coast of the Woven Republic. They sit on the coastal beach with the maned wolf wives, looking off towards the sea. Elaine can tell something is brewing in the dog's mind, but doesn't want to jump to conclusions so soon.
Tera excitedly rambles on recent sights and changes in the area over the past couple decades. At one point, she forgets what state-specific holiday takes place each year and requests Elaine to help fill in the blank. Instead, Elaine stands up and calls out Puppy for planning to leave the wives again. Tera refuses to believe it's true, but Puppy doesn't deny it at all.
After many tears and an awkward, silent ride back home, Puppy is given an order by the two wives. They tell the dog to at least stay a few more days before leaving. Each wife wants to make sure everyone can still have proper good times together, along with actually helping Puppy prepare for a possible new journey ahead. Puppy accepts and then heads to bed.
May 17: On a late night, Puppy Wave sits alone upon the maned wolf wives' cabin and looks upon the stars. They consider their future journeys, possibly giving a chance towards traveling outside of the country to both Boreal and Centauri.
Elaine awakes on her own, heading out of the cabin and climbing onto its roof as Tera sleeps within her. She holds a serious discussion with Puppy, doing whatever she can to convince them to stay and perhaps form a compromise that'll keep their relationship and travels both alive to degrees. If not, Elaine still accepts that the next day will be a proper send-off to Puppy's solo journey.
After Elaine leaves and returns back to bed inside, Puppy cries quietly.
May 18: Waking up early, Puppy Wave muses to themselves as they make breakfast for the maned wolf wives. They've thought more on the compromise and their life leading up to this point. Deciding to stay, they make peace with a long life ahead spent day-in and day-out with their partners Elaine and Tera together.
When the maned wolf wives wake up, Puppy presents to them their decent homemade breakfast. Before anyone can dig in proper though, Wave makes clear that they'll spend the rest of their life with these two and any travels the group will take together. It is appreciated immensely, as a group hug and tears of joy fill in the room.
The next chapter of Puppy's life officially begins, as they live, love, and travel with their partners Elaine and Tera for the rest of their life.
May 29: While exploring the mountains of Hell's Wasteland with her companions, Winona Alias is accidentally pulled into an anomaly present along the path. She is teleported alone to a strange realm full of stars and glass-like paths over an endless pit. She explores this realm until she walks into a bright light that teleports her yet again.
Now within a white void, Winona's frustrations grow about her situation. However, such anger is cut short as soon as she finds the body of a dead miner. Carrying the miner, she winds up finding an ID card confirming that the individual is named Adrian. She ventures further within the void, carrying Adrian's lifeless body as the colors of the realm shift from a blinding white to pitch black.
Winona's senses are overwhelmed at one point, and she soon finds herself back on the mountain path in Hell's Wasteland. Her companions greet her happily, but soon the mood turns quite depressing as they notice the corpse Winona's carrying. The team make it an effort to escort Adrian's body back to the mining facility east of Brimstone Heights. Once they arrive, a makeshift funeral takes place in memorial of the late miner, Adrian.
June 2023
June 20 - July 01: Centuari-based husbands Valley Melbourne and Grove Cincinnati decide to take a trip north towards the country of the Woven Republic. Here, they visit every state within the country and get a glimpse at the many different lives and vibes. Tons of rambling and introspective moments ensue, with emotions riding calm highs and lows respectively. It ultimately turns to be a great time, with a new look on life being taken back home with them at the end of the trip.
July 2023
July 27: Wasteland trekkers Herb Carson, Frey Tobias, and Winona Alias rest within the remains of an old Spectral Branch outpost. They set up a campfire in the middle of the room and begin to roast chunks of monstrous beasts they had previously defeated and harvested. There, they discuss what they've done on their months-long journey in the Wasteland.
There's still mysteries to be held about the anomalies, but it looks like it'll take more time before we can uncover them all. There's hope too that one day future teams of Wasteland Trekkers can possible start closing the anomalies too
August 2023
August 2: Wasteland trekkers Herb Carson, Frey Tobias, and Winona Alias begin their journey out of Hell's Wasteland. First this journey is by SUV, as a mining crew member helps to drive them back towards Hell's cities. Next, they venture to a ferry terminal and take a boat trip over magma. Once they arrive upon the Towering Oasis, the venture up the Skyscraper to meet their boss Baphomet in her penthouse suite.
The trekkers and Baphomet hold a discussion about the previous months' efforts. There's still a lot to be done, but the fact these three still pulled off a lot and survive it is commended. The three agree to help train the next teams of wasteland trekkers, since their own efforts were so successful.
November 2023
November 6: Wide-Awake Justice, a detective agency, takes on a strange case of a serial fattener running amok in Heaven's city of Divine Cherrygrove. Private eye Guy Daniels and auxiliary Amelie Shelby lead the investigation, with their friend and coworker Ishmael Mingle combing for any clues in the background.
Victims of this odd case include a tailor, a marketing specialist, a gig delivery driver, a cab driver, and even Wide-Awake Justice's own masqeurade - Ishmael Mingle. Following this trail of fattening 'destruction', the detectives eventually reach the residence of the culprit in question. Before entering, they make final calls to a group of peacemakers known as the Serenity Project. God forbid the confrontation goes sour, at least there will be back-up to help put a final end to this madness.
Detectives Guy Daniels and Amelie Shelby successfully put a stop to Redmont Everly's plans of fattening up residents of Divine Cherrygrove. In the process, they pack on far too many pounds and require the assistance of the peacemakers they've previously called in. With one case closing triumphantly, now begins the process of dieting, exercise, and basking in the glow of success!
May 2024
May 10: Lovers Hero Lockes and Leslie Nosedive show up on the scene, cruising through Carnation Grove on a beautiful morning. During this great time, they spot some young folks chatting with the owner of nearby music venue MoonDove. Once the gals decide to park nearby and check things out is when everything goes to shit.
The band Patty's Clover (compromised of lead singer and guitarist Blair Justice, drummer Katz Wolf, and bassist Tamir Kaplan) is fucking fuming with the venue's owner Felix Valentine. They were scheduled to play a show here and are being told that that's not gonna happen anymore. Using some muscle, the two aged punks and lovers come to rescue the day and calm everyone the fuck down. Once things are settled, everyone heads inside the venue to get an idea of what started this mess.
Bad news is broken down bluntly: MoonDove is going to be shut down on June 9th and bulldozed to build a hoity-toity building for its new owners. The land was sold out from under Valentine and he's got fuck-all to fight back for it. Not wanting to give up so easily, Hero sets up a plan where everyone here will visit the realator agency that handled this sale and talk some sense into them.
May 20: Hero Lockes, her partner Leslie Nosedive, their friend Felix Valentine, and all three band members of Patty's Clover venture forth into Linked West City to meet the woman running Journeyman's Travels agency. The meeting goes horrendously, with harsh words being exchanged and threats of violence being offered by the literal snake in charge. All-in-all it ends with the gang right back on the front steps as Blair has another meltdown.
While Felix heads back to the venue, the rest of the band members and Leslie give the remaining folks some space. With some privacy proper, Hero calms down Blair over a shared smoke break and the two shooting the shit. She gives an idea of her past to the young rockstar, using it as a way to inspire some hope into Blair and give some relatability. Afterwards, everyone meets back up at MoonDove once more.
Inside MoonDove, Hero tries once again to figure out a different plan to save the venue. Every variation of it is shot down by Felix due to the risk of them ending up with him getting sued at best or thrown in jail at worst. On cue, the lead singer of Patty's Clover gets mad yet again before everyone heads out feeling awful.
May 26: Late one night, the two lovers Hero Lockes and Leslie Nosedive shoot the shit over a smoke break in their tiny backyard. Thompson's Way is mostly asleep at this hour, only letting a car's lights pass by the back alley now and then. Here, Leslie comes up with one final attempt to let MoonDove go out properly: A private acoustic show, with Patty's Clover as the sole performance.
May 27: Between the streets of Linked West City and neighborhood of Thompson's way, friends Leslie and Felix hold a phonecall during the day. Here, the plane-esque looking woman brings forth her idea of one final acoutistic show performed at MoonDove before the venue gets demolished. Simple, sweet, and little-to-no risk while still having a good time. Eventually Felix agrees to the idea, as he ends the call to prepare for seeing if Patty's Clover would be up for this.
June 2024
June 5: Just four days remain before the music venue MoonDove is demolished and rebuilt for a absurdly expensive ice cream shop called Coleman's Scoops. During the night, everyone prepares for an acoustic performance by the three members of Patty's Clover. It's a fucking hit, and everyone has a great night that's saved within phone recordings and photographs. Rest easy, for the curtains now fall softly upon thy remains MoonDove.