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Temporary Dimension

A void that only exists for a short amount of time, ceasing its existence when its purpose has been served. Only the most powerful of individuals can even summon this place into existence.

What is looks like past a void is purely up to its creator, who is allowed to furnish it with whatever set pieces they deem fit for the limited time event taking place here.

Locations only in Trans In Barking

Within this universe, the only known case of the void being summoned is when the false interations of the Lord and Satan bring it forth. Here they turn it into a mock boardroom of sorts, allowing them to converse about their plans for world domination.

All that's present is a corkboard with information and photos pinned to it, a table alternating between heavenly and hellish designs, and chairs that match that table's style.

Locations only in Modern Fantasy

Within this universe, the only known case of the void being summoned is when a meeting was conducted between the leaders of the Nebula Order & Education, the BONEZONE Cult, the Kingdom of Bark Queen, and Shane De'Blain's self-titled talk show.

Present within the void was a tent befitting of a general. A long table, multiple chairs, and nothing more. Discussed here was a temporary alliance between the Order and the villainous factions, in hopes that the militant Lightforce could be combated in larger numbers for the greater good of the Woven Republic.