Sequence: 0079

Operator's Notes

The following was posted at 3:35 PM on May 11, 2024.

Hmm, it's an odd and somewhat difficult shoes to slot oneself in.. Family, that is. Being in my state as an android working within a facility full of many individuals like myself and our all-powerful administrator, well.. Is there a sense of family? Not one by blood at least, both in the physical sense and others outside what can be seen. But.. Perhaps, perhaps there is some sort of mock-family feeling between certain coworkers, one's that hold decades of experience more than I do myself. I don't know, something to inquiry into further on one's own time I suppose. But, it's not my show to steal currently, so let our opossum stars continue their dramatic scenes.

Odell Scout, Senior Talent Manager
Machina Nostra Innovations